Thank you for your email about proposed house building in Failand. I hope that you have also written to the Planning Department at NSC. They alone have the authority to grant or refuse planning permission at this stage of the process.
North Somerset already has enough permissions granted to meet any projected demand in housing numbers. We do not need any more.
As you may know, I have argued in Parliament (and it appears successfully) to have the housing targets for North Somerset reduced. However, it is the job of the District Council to determine which specific planning applications should be accepted and which should not. Since the new Independent/LibDem Council has been in office, there have been increasing numbers of plans to build on Green Belt which I completely oppose. I hope that individual councillors will join me in this before we lose many of our precious green spaces. They may be an inexperienced Council, but they have a duty to put the interests of those they represent first and not play politics with such an important issue.
In the Adjournment Debate which I secured on the subject in the House of Commons last November I raised concerns not only about the protection of the Green Belt, but also the danger of building on flood plains and the lack of available infrastructure to cope with large increases in housing numbers. I enclose the link below to the debate for your convenience.
Please make your objections known to North Somerset Council on this issue. Only by doing this can we stop these unwanted proposals from coming to fruition.